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The only messenger of God sent to all races and classes is the prophet Muhammad. Because it's very universal teachings, not only about worship and the afterlife, but also worldly affairs that covers all sides of human life, ranging from food to affairs of state. However, there are still many people who are blind to his personal life.

A result, they hindered to see and feel the truth in his teaching. In this post I tried to introduce the Prophet Muhammad briefly from several sides, with the hope can be useful and help us all.

1. Name and title of Prophet Muhammad SAW Among others, such as is mentioned in Bukhari and Muslim: Ahmad, Mahi, Hasyir, ‘Aqib, Muqaffi, Nabiyyuttaubah, Nabiyyurrahmah.

2. Nasab Prophet Inside the book Shahih Bukhari bab Mab’ats an-Nabiyyi saw, Imam Bukhari detailing the genealogy nasab Prophet Muhammad as follows: Muhammad saw bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muththalib bin Hasyim bin Abdu Manaf bin Qusyai bin Kilab bin Murrah bin Ka’ab bin Luai bin Ghalib bin Fihr bin Malik bin Nadhr bin Kinanah bin Khuzaimah bin Mudrikah bin Ilyas bin Mudhar bin Nizar bin Ma’add bin Adnan. Imam Bukhari added in the Book Tarikh al-Kabir: Adnan bin Udud bin Al-Maqum bin Nahur bin Tarh bin Ya’rab bin Nabit bin Ismail bin Ibrahim… According to the experts as mentioned by the historian Syekh Abdurrahman bin Yahya Al- Yamany Between Adnan with Ismail There're about 40 grandparents.

3. Her birth of Prophet Muhammad was born in Makkah on Monday the 12th of Rabi ul-Awwal elephants years in a state of orphaned . Naming of Elephant, related to Elephant forces the events that led by Abraha, the governor of Yemen who want to destroy the Ka'bah. But before getting to the city of Makkah, they were attacked by birds force that carry the hot pebbles (read QS Al-Fil: 1-5). The birth of the prophet Muhammad to coincide with April 20, 571 AD.

4. Lactation Prophet Muhammad first suckled by his mother Aminah dan Tsuwaibatul Aslamiyah. But that is only a few days. Then he was suckled by Halimah As- Sa'diyah in township bani Sa'ad. Muhammad lived with Halimah family for about four years. At the end of caregiving, the Halima family there have been surgically prophet Muhammad.

5. Muhammad at Makkah Population eyes.
Since childhood, away from the traditions of Muhammad's ignorance and never did the worship of pagan gods. Never the less he remains a decent and honest, so he is famous for its title Al-amien (Trusted person).

6. Marriage of Prophet Muhammad Saw At the age of 25 years, Muhammad married with Khadijah, a wealthy widow aged 40 years. wedding this starting with Khadijah request to Muhammad.

7. Wives of the Prophet Muhammad besides Khadija, his wives were: Saudah binti Zam’ah, Aisyah binti Abu Bakar, Hafshah binti Umar, Zainab binti Khuzaimah, Ummu Salamah (Hindun binti Umayyah), Zainab binti Zahsy, Juwairiyah binti Al- Harits, Ummu Habibah (Ramlah), Shafiyah binti Huyay, Maimunah binti Al-Harits dan Maria Al- Qibtiyah. The Prophet Muhammad married them all after Khadijah died. And they were all in a state he marries the widow, except A'ishah. When viewed from each factor of his marriage, all have a strong relationship with the preaching and teaching of Islam was carrying.

8. Son and daughter of the prophet Muhammad is this: Qasim, Zainab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kulthum, Fatima, and Abdullah Ibrahim. They were all born from the womb of Mary Khadijah except Ibrahim Al-Qibtiah. His children that all men die before adulthood.

9. Being a messenger of Allah Muhammad the first revelation decline in QS. Al-A'la: 1-5 in the cave of Hira on Monday in the month of Ramadan at the age of 40 beginning Mohammed become apostle. The first revelation was contained:
1> Read the name of thy Lord who created,
2> Who created man from a clot,
3> Read and your Lord is the Most noble,
4> which taught (man) with a pen,
5> He taught man what he did not know.After receiving revelation, Muhammad and Khadijah's home to express concern over her. Khadija calm: "Cheer up! By Allah, He will never disappoint you. By Allah, you are connecting kin relationships, telling the truth, to bear the burden of the poor, helping people who do not have, venerates guests, help people in disaster stricken. "Khadija then bring him to the child's uncle Waraqa ibn Nawfal, a Christian pastor. After describing the recent events experienced in the cave of Hira, Waraqa explain that that come to Muhammad It is the angel who had come to the prophet Moses. "... Suppose I'm still alive and strong at the time you are expelled by thy people ..." Waraqa said. "Are they going to leave?" Muhammad asked. 'Yes ..., "he replied.? (read HR Bukhari and Muslim).

10. Prophet Muhammad went to Medina
Prophet Muhammad went to Medina, in year 13 which coincides with the prophetic in 622 AD. In the history of Ibnu Ishak explained that he was out of his house when it was besieged by the polytheists of Mecca armed forces who wanted to kill him. Then Allah put them to sleep. As I read QS. Yasin: 1-9 he just put the sand at the head of them all, then go to the house of Abu Bakar to move together to the city of Medina. Prophet Muhammad arrived in Medina on Monday the 12th of Rabiul Awwal year 1 AH.

11. Underlying the battle of the Prophet Muhammad
Prophet Muhammad's wars is the following verse:
- "Permission (to fight) for those who fight because they be treated unjustly." (Al-Hajj: 39).
- "Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress, truly Allah loves not transgressors" (QS. Al-Baqarah: 190). In this case there are rules of war, among others: Do not kill children, the elderly, those who surrendered, ministers and officials who did not attack the house of worship, animals with no purpose of benefit, do not kill in a cruel and excessive (Ibnu Katsir Commentary). From this it is clear that Muhammad is the prophet of war as an effort to defend against the right, not for the Islamization especially Wasilah revenge. The number of wars that followed there as much as 27 times.

12. Morals of Prophet Muhammad
Allah describes the general character of the prophet Muhammad in QS. Al-Qalam Paragraph 4 "And verily, you are truly virtuous noble character" Just an example, the authors describe two sides of his character:
a. Patience of Prophet Muhammad Saw No less the burden borne by the prophet Muhammad in spreading the propaganda teachings he had brought. Ridicule, insults, harassment and death threats he received from the idolaters of Mecca. But it all does not make her patience faded. In the history of Imam Bukhari and Muslim narrated that Uqbah bin Abu Mu'ith never throw dirt camel to the Prophet Muhammad while he was in a state of prostration. He continues to bow down to his daughter Fatima came throw. Quraysh harassment intensified after his uncle Abu Talib and wife Khadija died at 10 years of apostleship. So he went to Ta'if region. But here too he was not welcome, even the locals told her children to stone her with stones.
b. Mercy of Prophet Muhammad
Roughly speaking population Ta'if eviction action against the prophet Muhammad did not make him necessarily to pray for them with punishment. But just the opposite: "In fact I hope that God will make of their offspring people who worship Allah and do not shirk him one bit," He said when the angel guardian of the mountain offers him to inflict Abu Qubaisy mountain and mountain next to the people of Ta'if. (Shahih Bukhari). And somehow the rough treatment and punishment of the idolatrous inhabitants of Mecca to him and his followers the ummah, but it makes no grudges against them at the time of liberation of Mecca in 8 H. Instead he gave a massive amnesty to residents of Makkah.

13. Privilege that God gave him
a. Five advantages not given to the earlier of Jabir bin Abdullah ra, Prophet Muhammad said: "I was given five things which are not given to anyone before me; 1) I was given the victory to the fear (which is inflicted upon my enemies) within one month of travel, 2) the earth to be a place of prayer and sacred to me, so whoever among my ummah who get prayer time is he going to do it, 3) the lawful right to my property ghanimah and it's not lawful to anyone before me, 4) I was given syafa'at, 5) advance the prophet was sent only to him, but I was sent to all mankind. " (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim)
b. these about at Judgement Day Of Anas ra.,
Prophet Muhammad said: "I was the first to be intercessors on the Day of Judgement, the Prophet was the most followers on the Day of Judgement, and the first person knocking on the door of heaven "(Narrated by Muslim). Another specialty he called her in the hadeeth narrated by Abu Hurairah, the Messenger of Allah said: "I was the leader of the children of Adam on the Day of Resurrection, I am the first person in his rise from the grave, and I am the first to be intercessors (by Allah) and the first person to intercede (to mankind)." (HR. Muslim).

14. He is worship.
worship. A'ishah Said: The Messenger of Allah never prayed to two feet swell. Then he was reprimanded, he replied: "Do I not deserve to be a grateful servant?"

15. Death of the Prophet Muhammad
Muhamad saw death on 12 Rabiul Awal year 11 AH at the time Dhuha with 63 years of age.

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